The subtitle of this blog post title should really be: What to Wear While Running Errands, aka Target 😉
We all know we love Target. I honestly don't think I know someone that hates Target. Do you?! If you do, please let me know because I want to know all about this person and why 😂 I'm genuinely, and truthfully, serious so please email me! Anywho, the purpose of this post is because of the following:
When you run errands whether it's Target, Walmart, or the grocery store, how many people are wearing workout wear? Are you one of them?
There's nothing wrong with this by any means. You do you! However, over the past year about 95% of my clients have expressed to me that they are sick of wearing yoga pants everywhere. Now that we're back to normal post Covid, people want to actually dress up. During the pandemic we were all wearing pajamas, yoga pants, oversized crappy t-shirts, and slippers. Being quarantined for months on end was not healthy for any of us (however, I did start paying attention to my mental health and self-care practices). But it did teach a lot of my clients about treating fashion as a mental health, self-care item....FINALLY!
If you're new here, take a peek at my website. You'll notice that I use the words "mental health" and "self-care" a lot! I found fashion as a self-care item when I was young, the reasoning behind my movement #IAmStrongerProject, and I never looked back. I only flourished by creating this company that practices and preaches it everyday!
So, what can you wear while running errands that's more dressed up yet still comfy? Here are some examples (which are all shoppable by the way 😉):
Women's Outfit Ideas

You can shop these women's looks here:
Men's Outfit Ideas

You can shop these men's looks here:
More About Fashion and Your Mental Health
Now it's not all about dressing up just because. Again, it's about your mental health and feeling good while you're doing your everyday activities. I mean think about it, when you're running to the grocery store, why wouldn't you want to feel good?!
Some of this may seem ridiculous to some of you. You may be thinking, "Why do I need to dress up to go to the store?" Fair enough. It's not for everyone, and that's okay! But maybe you're someone that does want to dress up for other things - Maybe dinner with your guys or gal pals? Date night with your partner? Your kids school events? But because you dress down so often, maybe you're nervous to step outside that box? If that's you, here is a helpful tip:
Wear a more dressy outfit to your everyday tasks such as a store or picking your kids up from school. When you step outside your box and wear something more dressy to an environment that is known for people to be dressed down, most likely you'll receive a compliment from them. More compliments = More confidence!
More times than not, I'll style my clients in an outfit that they LOVE but then they say, "I feel like my friends and family are going to make fun of me because it's so different." Friends and family can be mean, let's be honest. But if you walk in with confidence, those comments won't bug you. To gain that confidence, you have to wear it a few times before that family gathering. See where I'm going with this?
Wearing an elevated outfit while running an errand can do more good than bad.
With that said, I hope you found this helpful! And more importantly, if you have been wanting to get more dressed up to run errands, I hope this empowers you to do so 💪 To see what I personally wore on a Target errand, view it on my Instagram.
As always,
**excuse the mess on Pinterest, we're currently revamping it to help all of you 😉
And of course, don't forget to visit the rest of my blog posts!
Until next time,